Wednesday, January 29, 2025

William Holden - ©Theda Bara

The name I present to you in this post is that of the American actor William Holden, one of the highest-grossing Hollywood stars of the 1950s.

William Holden won the Oscar for Best Actor (1954) for his performance in the film: “Stalag 17” (1953), playing the role of “Sergeant J.J. Sefton”.

William Holden has a star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, at 1651 Vine Street, in the motion picture category.

In addition to the Oscar, William Holden also won a Primetime Emmy Award for Best Actor in a Miniseries or Movie in 1974 for “The Blue Knight”, an American police drama television series that aired from 1973 to 1976, in which he played the character “Bumper Morgan”.

William Franklin Beedle Jr., was born on April 17, 1918, in O’Fallon, Illinois, United States, and died on November 11, 1981, in Santa Monica, California, United States, at the age of 63.

William Holden was married only to American actress Brenda Marshall (1915-1992), from 1941 to 1971, from whom he separated ten years before his sudden death, due to a head injury caused by a fall due to excessive drinking. He remained conscious for about half an hour after the injury and did not realize that he should seek medical help; had he done so, he probably would not have died.


  1. A famous actor. He has also advocated for endangered species in Africa.

  2. My dear friend Theodosia,
    "William Holden" is certainly one of the most iconic figures in Hollywood. A legend in his time.
    Another beautiful biography and cinematography.

  3. Siempre me gusto ese actor. Te mando un beso.

  4. Thank you, Theodosia, for telling about William Holden. I hope the new American president Mr. Trump helps restore homes in Los Angeles.
    Dear friend, I hope you don't believe that Russia and Putin set Los Angeles on fire. We Russians are constantly being blamed for everything these days.
    I assure you that neither Putin nor I visited Los Angeles in 2024 or 2025.

  5. Recuerdo haberlo visto en peliculas de la tele, pero gracias a ti ahora ya se muchas mas cosas. Un abrazo

  6. Oh, I didn't know how he died. Yes, he did very well for his era. Thanks so much for your post. Hope you are doing well and all the best to a new month ahead 💖🍬🍫❤️

  7. Su cara no me es desconocida del todo pero no recuerdo haber visto películas en las que actuó ya por la televisión y esa serie aun era pequeño.
    Cuando calcule la edad a su muerte me pareció muy joven, pero al leer el motivo ya me lo explique y en aquel estado que podía estar no se dio cuenta de la gravedad.


  8. Shame how he died. Famous actor.

  9. Olá, amiga Theda,
    William Holden foi um dos atores americanos de
    minha preferência desde a adolescência. Vi filmes famosos com ele, muito bom relembrá-lo.
    Um bom fim de semana.
    Abraço daqui do sul do Brasil.

  10. Tengo aviso de nueva publicación (Grace Kelly) pero no está

    1. Diva Grace Kelly is scheduled to shine here on February 5th, but there was an error on the "Blogger" platform, not on the blogger's part. LoL
      Before her, we will have a Haiku.
      (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  11. Foi sem dúvida um grande ator no seu tempo. Vi vários filmes onde entrou. Muitos a preto e branco.
    Excelente partilha, amiga Theda.

    Gostei bastante.

    Deixo os votos de um feliz fim de semana, com tudo de bom.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride

  12. Mais um grande ator que aqui partilhas, com a sua vida e obra. Vi vário filmes em que participou.
    Excelente partilha, amiga Theda.

    Beijinho grande, com carinho e amizade.
    Bom fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  13. Theda, adorei sua postagem sobre William Holden! Você fez um ótimo trabalho em destacar suas conquistas, como o Oscar e o Emmy, e adorei os detalhes sobre sua vida e carreira. É sempre fascinante aprender mais sobre as estrelas clássicas de Hollywood. Excelente trabalho! Felicitações poéticas!


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· 🎥 If you like movies and Haiku, comment. If there are any questions, I will answer. Thanks!