Monday, July 29, 2024

Theda Bara [Replay] - ©Theda Bara

Today, July 29th, would be the 139th birthday of this actress who ended up being the inspiration for my parents to give me my name. Therefore, I bring this updated republication so that we can celebrate together.

Theda Bara, born Theodosia Burr Goodman, in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, on July 29, 1885 and died in Los Angeles, California, on April 7, 1955, aged 99, was the daughter of Bernardo Goodman (1853-1936 ) and Pauline Louise de Coppett (1861-1957) and sister of silent film actress Lori Bara (1903-1965) and Hollywood artistic agent Marque Goodman, known as: Mark G. (1888-1954).

My dear paternal grandfather, Jonathan Jon Goodman (descendant of the Goodmans, from the father of actress Theda Bara), in addition to being very wise, was a visionary man, because from a very young age, as soon as silent films appeared, he acquired some old theater rooms transforming them in (street) cinemas in Los Angeles, California, United States. My family has been involved in cinematic entertainment for decades and today we still have movie theaters in large shopping malls. This love for the seventh art motivated my father, who has the name Goodman in the genealogy of his ancestors, and my mother, a fan of Theda Bara, to baptize me with the name of this great silent film actress Theodosia, a name that comes from Greek culture and means: “gift from God”. I really like my name and I love old films, whether silent or not.

Theda Bara, who for her fair skin and expressive green eyes was nicknamed “Vampira” (equivalent at the time to “femme fatale”). Theda was one of the most popular and highest-paid actresses in the world, surpassed only by iconic actor Charlie Chaplin, who once said that Theda was cinema's first sex symbol.

From her Jewish childhood in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, to her happy retirement in Hollywood, Theda Bara always dreamed of being an actress and ended up being the most brilliant representative of silent cinema.

Theda married in 1921 the renowned filmmaker and screenwriter born in England, but based in American cinema, Charles J. Brabin (1882-1957) with whom she lived until his death in 1955. She made more than 40 films alongside her husband, to Fox. Entertainment Group Inc., only six of which still exist in good condition.

Theda Bara had no children, although she was a very maternal woman.

Even without having received any Oscar statuette, Theda Bara has her star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, at 6307 Hollywood Boulevard, in the Cinema category, being one of the most visited by fans and tourists.

Theda Bara is buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States.


  1. Me gusto conocer sobre Theda Bara y tu conexión con ella. , te mando un beso.

  2. My friend Theodosia,
    It is always a pleasure to learn a little more about your historical relationship with this great silent film actress, the reason for her interesting genealogy.
    A good updated post.

  3. Hoy te hemos conocido un poco mejor, gracias. Es bueno saber porqué nos llamamos de un modo y no olvidar los ancestros. Los tuyos te han hecho especialista en cine y nosotros lo disfrutamos. Abrazos

  4. Oh, what a great write up about your namesake. Awesome to know more about you and her too. Thanks so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  6. Querida Theda, you have pleasantly surprised me with this nice information. Very interesting; I know much more about you now, & ilove it!

    Have a nice nite

  7. Hoy no solo entiendo tu gran conocimiento cinematográfico que por lo que nos dices es el negocio familiar y con antepasados comunes con esa actriz con la que compartes nombre.


  8. hola
    no conocía a esta actriz, me ha encantado que tengas su nombre... me ha parecido una historia muy bonita

  9. Interessante biografia de Theda Bara. Não conhecia de todo a sua história, que muito bem aqui descreves.
    Aproveito para desejar um feliz fim de semana com tudo de bom.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride


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