Monday, February 19, 2024

Haiku: Chaplin - ©Theda Bara

Haiku and Art by ©Theda Bara — 2024
Whenever Chaplin smiled, his face glowed

He smiled at life

And life smiled at him, never being ungrateful!


  1. Friend Theodosia,
    “Chaplin” was such a good actor without needing to say a word. And you, dear friend, in a few words, write us these incredible, creative and intelligent Haikus.
    A kiss and happy week!!!

  2. La sonrisa tiene la grandeza de ser contagiosa. bonitos haikus.

  3. Um ator que nunca morrerá na saudade dos HOMENS e MULHERES.
    Cumprimentos poéticos.
    Poema: “ Amor livre e consciente “

  4. Aunque también protagonizo grandes películas habladas siempre se le recordara por las mudas y en especial por su personaje de Charlot.
    Su hija Geraldine estuvo casada con un director de cine español llamado Carlos Saura.


  5. Siempre me gusto ese actor. Te mando un beso.

  6. Love your grateful haiku!
    Have a great nite!


· 🎥 If you like movies and Haiku, comment. If there are any questions, I will answer. Thanks!

· 🎥 If you like movies and Haiku, comment. If there are any questions, I will answer. Thanks!