Friday, March 14, 2025

Haiku: Matriarchs - ©Theda Bara

Haiku and Art by ©Theda Bara — 2025
White dye of life that gives color to hair

Grandmothers and mothers never grow old

Matriarchs overflowing with love!


  1. Lindo haiku, Soy de las personas que se no pinta el pelo. Te mando un beso.

  2. Long live the matriarchy, life with them makes sense.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. My dear friend Theodosia,
    I usually say that I don't have a homeland, I have a "motherland".
    Beautiful Haiku!
    Kisses and have a great weekend!!!

  4. Qué bonito haiku!
    Las madres y las abuelas siempre siempre llenas de amor.
    Buen fin de semana y un abrazo.


· 🎥 If you like movies and Haiku, comment. If there are any questions, I will answer. Thanks!

· 🎥 If you like movies and Haiku, comment. If there are any questions, I will answer. Thanks!