Thursday, February 6, 2025

Grace Kelly - ©Theda Bara

The name I present to you in this post is that of one of the most stunning blondes in cinema, the American and Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly, one of the highest-grossing Hollywood stars of the 1950s. Between late 1951 and early 1956, the actress starred in ten films, 36 live TV shows and two Broadway plays. Grace fell in love several times during this period, but none of the relationships worked out. She didn’t want to stop working, she didn’t want to give up having a family, but she didn’t think it was possible to have it all.

As the favorite actress of British filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980), Grace Kelly starred in five Hollywood films in 1954: “Rear Window”, playing the role of “Lisa Carol Freemont”; “The Bridges of Toko-Ri”, playing the role of “Nancy Brubaker”; “The Country Girl” (which won her the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1955), playing the role of “Georgie Elgin”; “To Catch a Thief”, playing the role of “Frances Stevens”; and “Dial M for Murder”, playing the role of “Margot Mary Wendice”.

Grace Kelly has a star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame at 6329 Hollywood Boulevard in the motion picture category.

Grace Patricia Grimaldi was born on November 12, 1929, at Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, and died on September 14, 1982, at Princess Grace Hospital, Monaco-Ville, Monaco, an independent state on the Mediterranean coast of France, at the age of 52.

As an actress, she won an Oscar and 3 Golden Globes: Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama (1955), for “The Country Girl”; Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture (1954), for “Mogambo”, playing the role of “Linda Nordley” and Henrietta Lifetime Achievement Award (1956). As a woman, Grace won the heart of the most coveted prince of her time. Considered a fashion icon and the most beautiful princess in history, Grace Kelly has several biographies published about her life.

Grace Kelly, who, after starring in several important films in the early 1950s, became Princess of Monaco when she married Prince Rainier III (1923-2005), leaving him a widower due to a car accident on (September 14, 1982), a marriage that lasted 26 years, from 1956 to 1982. The couple had 3 children, Princess Caroline Louise Marguerite (1957-), the current Sovereign Prince Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimald - Albert II (1958-), and the youngest Stéphanie Marie Elisabeth Grimaldi - Princess Stéphanie of Monaco (1965-).


  1. Nunca quedó claro quién conducía el coche, pero dejando esto aparte siempre me pareció una dama, era guapa y buena actriz. Un abrazo

  2. Es una genial actriz. Te mando un beso.

  3. Such a lovely write-up. Great to read her bio. Such an iconic actress and more.


  4. She was an elegant woman, classically beautiful.

  5. Como actriz no tengo nada que añadir a lo que nos dices y espectadores de aquellos años y cinéfilos conocen.
    Si que te voy a dejar alguna información respecto a su marido Rainiero de Mónaco cuya abuela mexicana que descendía de un pequeño pueblo de la montaña palentina llamado Santa María de Redondo. Hace unos años aun vivía un familiar descendiente de los que se quedaron en la localidad con un parecido físico a Rainiero y por fotos que vi su hija Carolina heredo también belleza y físico de su bisabuela.
    Hace muchos años deje un articulo sobre esta localidad y la casa de la familia Mier, segundo apellido de Susana de la Torre y Mier, aparece en la tercera de la fotos.
    Dejo enlace


  6. My dear friend Theodosia,
    "Grace Kelly" was a great actress and a beautiful woman. Regarding her life as a princess, she had the same tragic and somewhat mysterious end as "Lady Di".
    Another excellent film biography.

  7. Olá, amiga Theda
    Grace Kelly, foi uma brilhante atriz e um grande mulher. Teve de facto uma vida conturbada. Mas fez, o que sempre quis e gostou de fazer.
    Excelente partilha!

    Deixo os votos de um bom fim de semana, com muita saúde e paz.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride

  8. Great biography of Grace Kelly. It was an unfortunate accident that took her away.
    A hug 🤗

  9. Hi Theda! oh, Grace Kelly was elegance personified, a reflection of serene beauty and timeless sophistication, she had an aura of eternal distinction.
    What a divinity, the mother of the beautiful Carolina de Monaco, i love they both ✨ Greetings, dear friend!

  10. Grace Kelly foi uma boa atriz, vi muitos filmes dela.
    Boa semana.
    Saudações poéticas.

  11. Bom dia, Theda
    Não conhecia Grace Kelly, obrigada por compartilhar, um forte abraço.

  12. Hello Theda, beautiful post about a wonderful actress who was also a good photographer. I saw a movie about her with Nicole Kidman.
    Best regards and have a great new week!

  13. hola
    Grace Kelly me parecía una estupenda actriz, una lastima que dejase la actuación por amor, y una gran pena que ya no esté entre nosotros


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