Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dwayne Johnson - ©Theda Bara

The name I present to you in this post is that of the American actor, former professional wrestler and former college football player for the University of Miami, winner of the national championship in 1991 with the Miami Hurricanes, Dwayne Johnson, also known by his wrestling name: The Rock.

Dwayne was one of the presenters at the 2008 Oscars, but never won the statuette. However, he has a star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame at 2624 Vine Street in the motion picture category.

Despite his vast filmography, the only relevant award in Dwayne Johnson’s career is an MTV Movie Award: Lifetime Achievement Award 2019.

Although many believe that Dwayne Douglas Johnson is a Hawaiian citizen, he was born on May 2, 1972 in Hayward, California, United States, and is 52 years old.

Dwayne Johnson is in his second marriage. He was first married to American film producer and businesswoman Dany Garcia Rienzi (1968-) from 1997 to 2008. The couple have a daughter, who followed her father’s career as a wrestler, American Simone Garcia Johnson, known in the ring as: Ava Raine (2001-); and his current wife since 2019 is American singer and music producer Lauren Hashian (1984-).


  1. Es un actor divertido. Te mando un beso.

  2. Dear friend Theodosia! I know what happened recently in Los Angeles. Many residents lost their homes, many people died. I hope you do not live in California.

    1. Yes, I live in Los Angeles, where my family owns movie theaters in malls. These fires that are ravaging Los Angeles are heartbreaking. Some places are worse than others. Where I live, we are still doing well. I hope this all passes soon. Thank you for your concern for my well-being.
      (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

    2. Dear Theodosia! I am glad that you and your family are doing well. Please take care of yourself and your family. I hope the fires will end soon and everything will be fine. Now I understand why you write about actors in your blog.

  3. My friend Theodosia,
    This is one of the good actors of the new generation in the style of action films in which he usually appears. It is worth mentioning that one of his names is Douglas, a name of talented people. 😂😂😂
    Kisses and may the week start better there in "Los Angeles".

  4. I do like a lot of his films :-D

  5. Casualidad, ayer había un peli suya en la tele, salía un gorila blanco y enorme, pero no la vi, fue cambiando de canal. Un abrazo

  6. The Rock has a way of getting along with everyone..including his ex. He has done so well. I do like his movies and such. Thanks so much. 💕💖✨💕💖✨Many prayers for you and your family during this time. I am sure the air quality must be horrible. Take care of you and your family.

    1. Yes, the air quality here in LA is not good at all, especially in the hilly areas.
      Thank you for your concern for my well-being.
      (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  7. Olá, amiga Theda
    Gosto bastante deste ator. Principalmente nos filmes de ação. Excelente partilha!
    Deixo os meus votos de uma feliz semana com tudo de bom.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride

  8. Un actor que no conocía, aunque su nombre de lucha libre si que me es conocido de haberlo oído en alguna ocasión aunque es un deporte que no me agrada.


  9. hola
    este actor es de mis favoritos, he visto todas sus pelis y seguiré viendolas

  10. Que postagem interessante, Theda! Dwayne Johnson é realmente uma figura impressionante e multifacetada. Além de sua carreira de sucesso no cinema e na luta livre, ele também é conhecido por seu carisma e determinação. É inspirador ver como ele transformou suas paixões em conquistas ao longo dos anos. Saudações poéticas!

  11. I saw several films with this actor and I like him. I don't understand why he never has an Oscar...


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