Monday, May 27, 2024

Joan Crawford - ©Theda Bara

The name I bring to you in this post is that of the actress and dancer of traveling theater companies (before debuting on Broadway), I'm talking about Joan Crawford, who won the Oscar for Best Actress in 1946, for her performance in the film: “Mildred Pierce” (1945), playing the role of the protagonist “Mildred Pierce”, who after being betrayed and abandoned by her husband, wants to prove that she can be independent and raise her two daughters alone. She would also be nominated for the award twice more, for: “Possessed” (1947) and “Sudden Fear” (1952). In addition to the Oscar, the actress won the Golden Globe in 1970.

The actress has her star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, at 1752 Vine Street, in the Cinema category.

Joan Crawford, born Lucille Fay LeSueur on March 23, 1904, in San Antonio, Texas, United States, died on May 10, 1977, New York, New York, United States, aged 73.

Joan Crawford was married four times: first to renowned American actor and decorated World War II soldier Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. (1909-2000) from 1929 to 1933; her second marriage was to American actor Stanislaus Pascal Franchot Tone (1905-1968) from 1935 to 1939; her third marriage was to American actor Phillip Terry (1909-1993) from 1942 to 1946 and finally, her last marriage was to American businessman and former vice president of the Coca-Cola Company, Alfred Nu Steele (1901-1959) from 1955 to 1959, of whom she was widowed.

The actress had three children, actor Christopher Crawford (1943-2006), famous actress Cynthia Ann Crawford - Cindy Crawford (1947-2007); twin of actress Cathy Crawford (1947-2020) and American author (adopted daughter) Christina Crawford (1939-), best known for writing a surprising biographical memoir of her mother (1978) “Mommy Dearest”, which describes the supposed abuse he suffered as a child from film star Joan Crawford.


  1. Dear Theodosia! Thank you for telling about Joan Crawford!

  2. Friend Theodosia,
    “Joan Crawford” is another talented and deservedly award-winning actress from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
    Another great biography you present to us.
    Kisses and have a good week!!!

  3. Fue una gran actriz. Te mando un beso.

  4. Era una de las actrices preferidas de mi madre. gracias por todo lo que he aprendido. Unos abrazos

  5. Such an interesting actress indeed. One migh wonder if she got her own acting techiques from how she was raised. Thanks for the post!

  6. Quizás el apellido me sea conocido mas por sus hijas que por ella aunque si creo recordar como interprete de alguna película.


  7. Elegant and charismatic woman of important presence, I love Joan Crawford.
    Have a wonderful night, theda!

  8. Querida amiga, gran actriz, gracias por recordarla
    Cariños y beso


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