Tuesday, May 21, 2024

James Cagney - ©Theda Bara

The name I bring to you in this post is that of the American actor and dancer James Cagney, who won the Oscar for Best Actor in 1943, for his performance in the film: “Yankee Doodle Dandy” (1942) playing the biographical role of the legend of Broadway: George Michael Cohan, known professionally as: “George M. Cohan” (1878-1942).

James Cagney has his star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, at 6504 Hollywood Boulevard, in the Cinema category.

James Francis Cagney Jr., born July 17, 1899, Lower East Side, New York, New York, United States, died March 30, 1986, Stanfordville, New York, United States, aged 96.

James Cagney was married only once and for 64 years, to a fan, housewife Frances Willard Vernon Cagney, his beloved “Billie” (1899-1994) from 1922 to 1986. The couple had two children: fellow actor James Cagney Jr., who was wrongly registered, he should have been baptized as: James Francis Cagney 3rd; and an adopted daughter Cathleen Frances Casey Cagney, married name: Cathleen Thomas (1940-2004), ceremony that took place on February 17, 1962, with the American screenwriter and friend of her father Jack William Thomas (1930-).


  1. Era un genial actor. Te mando un beso.

  2. En peliculas antiguas, de esas de la tele lo he visto alguna vez, ahora ya se muchas cosas suyas. Abrazos

  3. I leave a suggestion. Post a translate/translator as not everyone knows English. Could it be?
    I'll come back to comment if I have a translator.
    I leave greetings and wishes for a happy week.

    1. Dear friend, you may not have noticed, but below the blog's “followers” board there is a text translator. I hope you continue reading and commenting here.
      (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  4. Genial!
    Abraços carinhosos em seu coração.


  5. Friend Theodosia,
    “James Cagney” is another of the great artists who shone on stage and in cinema.
    Another beautiful biographical highlight.

  6. So wonderful to see your post about this star!

  7. Por las fechas en que estuvo incluido en los repartos parece ser que fue uno de esos grandes actores de la época dorada de Hollywood.
    Creo que en USA solo se usáis el apellido paterno y por eso se puede llegar a tener errores al saber quien es el padre o el hijo si se le pone el mismo nombre. Aquí se usan el apellido del padre y luego el de la madre de forma genérica ya que últimamente se pueden poner en orden inverso. La mujer usa sus apellidos toda la vida.


  8. Dear Theodosia, I wish you a happy end of May and a joyful beginning of June!

  9. hola
    este actor me encantaba, el cine negro le debe mucho

  10. Vi muitos filmes com James Cagney. Os seu papeis de gangster eram fabulosos.
    Mais uma excelente partilha, amiga Theda!
    Gostei bastante.

    Aproveito para desejar um bom fim de semana, com muita saúde e paz.

    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride


  11. A great actor, I saw some of his films.
    Excellent and complete biography.

  12. Adorei a sua postagem sobre James Cagney! Ele foi um ator incrível, conhecido por suas performances enérgicas e estilo vocal distinto. Seu legado na indústria cinematográfica é inegável, e sua estrela na Calçada da Fama de Los Angeles é uma prova disso. Obrigado por compartilhar essa história fascinante!


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· 🎬 If you like movies and Haiku, comment. If there are any questions, I will answer. Thanks!