Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Mary Tyler Moore - ©Theda Bara

The actress I bring in this post stood out for years on American TV, CBS channel, on the Sitcom: “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”, a series of the comedy genre. And as the name suggests, the actress is Mary Tyler Moore, who debuted on TV on September 19, 1970, with the last episode of the series airing on March 19, 1977, with a total of 168 episodes in almost seven years. 

Mary won six Emmy Awards for this Sitcom and when she debuted in Hollywood, she was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress in 1981, for: “Ordinary People” (1980), character: “Beth Jarrett”,  but did not win the statuette.

Mary Tyler Moore has her stars on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, on Hollywood Boulevard: at 7021, category TV.

The actress has two biographies written: the first from (1989) and the definitive 422 pages: “Mary: The Mary Tyler Moore Story” (2019), in memoriam.

The actress was born on December 29, 1936, in Brooklyn Heights, New York, United States and died on January 25, 2017, at Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, Connecticut, United States, aged 81.

Tyler Moore has been married three times. The first with the military Richard Carleton Meeker Sr. - “Dick Meeker” (1927-2013), from 1955 to 1961, with whom he had his only child, western actor Richard Carleton Meeker Jr. - “Richie Meeker” (1956-1980), who died aged 24 from a gunshot wound on a movie set, officially ruled accidental; her second marriage was to NBC CEO Grant Almerin Tinker (1926-2016) from 1962 to 1981; and finally married physician Robert Levine (1954-), from 1983 to 2017 (year of her death). When they married, Levine was 29 and Mary 47.


  1. Creo que no la conozco. me gusto saber de ella. Te mando un beso.

  2. Theodosia,
    “Mary Tyler Moore” was a brilliant actress, especially on TV. Her trajectory has always been remarkable and even though she lost a son in an accident on the film set, she always loved the victories achieved in her work, in her art.
    Congratulations on this fair and well-deserved biography.

  3. Hello!
    Really great post. A wonderful actress, thank you for letting me get to know her better :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  4. I like movies. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a nice day.
    Greetings from Indonesia. I follow your blog.

  5. Recuerdo esa cara y he visto algo de la serie, debe haber sido en programas recopilatorios, me ha gustado saber más de la actriz.

  6. Such great timing she had in comedy, yet so suttle. She was great in the Dick Van Dyke show, as well. She was also diabetic and really a role model for many who live with that daily. I can understand why she would be married to a doctor. Thanks for the post (✿◕‿◕✿)

  7. Creo que por el peinado de las imágenes de las fotos pueden ser por estilo de su etapa televisiva. Quizás esa serie no llego a la televisión de España.


  8. Olá! Adorei seu post e adorei o blog.
    Já estou te seguindo e estarei sempre por aqui.

  9. Recordo vagamente desta atriz. Penso que cheguei a ver algum episódio da série aqui referenciado, nos anos 70.
    Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos trazes, amiga Theda.
    Gostei de saber um pouco mais sobre esta atriz.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride



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