Monday, September 18, 2023

Marcia Gay Harden - ©Theda Bara

The actress I bring in this post is the American Marcia Gay Harden, an icon of TV, Theater and contemporary cinema.

Marcia Gay Harden won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress 2001, for her performance in the film “Pollock” (2000), character: “Lee Krasner”. The actress received another award nomination, in the same category, for: “Mystic River” 2003, character: “Celeste Boyle”, but lost the statuette (2004) to the also awarded American actress and singer “Renée Zellweger” (1969-). Marcia Gay won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Theater, in the play: “God of Carnage”.

The actress was born on the 14th of August 1959, La Jolla, California, United States, and today he is 64 years old.

Marcia Gay Harden was married to film director Thaddaeus Scheel (1965-) from 1996 to 2012, with whom she has three children: actress Eulala Scheel (1998-), twins Hudson Harden Scheel and Julitta Dee Harden Scheel (2004-).


  1. Es una buena actriz , Te mando un beso y te deseo una buena semana.

  2. Gracias por todo lo que nos cuentas, aprendemos o recordamos de tu mano. Abrazos

  3. I have heard of her, but I really can't remember what I have seen her in. Thanks so much.

  4. This is one of those great supporting actresses in Hollywood films. “Marcia Gay Harden” is a beautiful sexagenarian who will certainly lend her talent to other films.
    A kiss and have a good week friend Theodosia.

  5. Su cara no me es de todo desconocida, pero al ser una artista secundaría siempre asocias mejor cara y nombre de los principales.



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