Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Gig Young - ©Theda Bara

The name I highlight in this post started his career on television and then migrated to cinema. Gig Young, an American actor who has always excelled in supporting roles.

He was awarded the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1970 for his performance in the film “They Shoot Horses, Don't They?” (1969), character: “Rocky”. Young had already been nominated for the same award, in 1952, for “Come Fill the Cup” (1951), character: “Boyd Copeland” and in 1959, in the romantic comedy “Teacher's Pet” (1958), character: “Dr. Hugo Pine”.

Gig Young has her stars on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, on Hollywood Boulevard: at 6821, category TV.

The actor was born on November 4, 1913, in Cloud Sector, Minnesota, United States and died on October 19, 1978, in Manhattan, New York, United States, one month before his 65th birthday.

Gig Young has been married five times. The first with Sheila Stapler (1914–1999), from 1940 to 1947, whom he divorced; marrying three years later Sophie Rosenstein (1907-1952), from 1950 to 1952, of whom he became a widower; his third marriage was to the famous American actress Elizabeth Montgomery (1933-1995), remembered mainly for her role in “Bewitched”, character: “Samantha Stephens”, from 1956 to 1963, whom he also divorced; his fourth marriage was to another American actress Elaine Lainieri Young (1935-2006), from 1963 to 1966, with one more divorce occurring; and finally in 1978 he married the German actress Ruth Hannelore Schmidt, known for: Kim Schmidt (1947-1978), who three weeks after the wedding, Kim was found dead in her apartment, victim of an apparent suicide. Despite being married many times, Gig Young had only one daughter, American film producer and photographer Jennifer Young (1964-), from her marriage to Elaine Young.


  1. Theodosia,
    Another Oscar-winning supporting actor that I don't remember from movies he's been in.
    One of his many wives, “Elizabeth Montgomery”, I remember her very well, as I always watched the episodes of: “Bewitched - Samantha”
    We are always learning from you here on your “blog” about Hollywood and its talented actors and actresses.

  2. De él no me acordaba. Gracias por darlo a conocer.

  3. Hi dear Theda!
    My comment doesn't appear, i don't know what's going on but i was telling you that i like this actor's career, he was a great figure. He had an active and productive life and i loved getting to know him.
    I send you lots of hugs and kisses, happy night!

  4. Recuerdo haberlo visto en varias películas, no recuerdo los titulos pero si a él. Abrazucos

  5. Słyszałam o tym filmie " Czyż nie dobija się koni" ale zupełnie go nie pamiętam. Muszę sprawdzić czy znajdę go gdzieś w Internecie.
    Dziękuję za przybliżenie postaci tego aktora. Coś mi się zdaje, że jego życie prywatne było barwniejsze niż zawodowe.
    Całusy przesyłam.

  6. hola
    no es de mis actores favoritos, pero he visto varias de sus películas

  7. Ei!
    Aqui é sempre um lindo lugar
    para visitar e ler.
    Durante um período vou divulgar Blogs
    que aprecio.
    Se desejar visitar deixo aqui o link:
    Desejo um ótimo fim de semana e
    e deixo Bjins de gratidão
    por essa convivência literária.

  8. I did watch They Shoot Horses Don't They and it was definitely a thought-provoking film. Very interesting fellow. Thanks so much for the post.

  9. Me acuerdo de él y sus películas, me encantaban. Besos 😘

  10. Mais uma excelente informação cinematográfica aqui nos deixas, amiga Theda.
    Este ator aqui referenciado, não conhecia muito bem. Fiquei muito mais bem informado, com esta excelente partilha.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  11. Los secundarios también son grandes actores y por ello tienen derecho a ser reconocido su trabajo, aunque en los títulos de crédito casi no aparezcan.


  12. Es muy bueno todo lo que publicas. Una recopilación de información muy interesante. Me da mucho gusto ingresar a tus publicaciones. Saludos!📽️🎬


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