Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Judy Garland - ©Theda Bara

The actress I highlight in this post is Judy Garland, who, in addition to acting in films, was an excellent singer. Judy was a very successful child actress in Hollywood.

Her only Oscar (“Baby Oscar” 1940 - a special statue half the size of a normal Oscar), was given for two films she acted in 1939: “The Wizard of Oz”, where she lived the unforgettable character: “Dorothy Gale” and “Babes in Arms”, where he gave life to the character: “Patsy”.

Judy Garland was honored in the cinema in the film: “Judy” (2019), with actress Renée Zellweger playing the role of the actress and singer, ending up winning the Oscar for Best Actress 2020.

Judy Garland has a star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame at 1715 Vine Street, in the Film category.

Actress born Frances Ethel Gumm, on June 10, 1922, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States, having died on: June 22, 1969, Cadogan Lane, London, United Kingdom, still young, twelve days after completing 47 years.

Judy Garland was married five times. First with the British-born American pianist and conductor David Daniel Rose (1910-1990) from 1941 to 1944; from whom she was separated in the third year of her marriage; the second marriage was with the director of musical films, the American Vincente Minnelli, pseudonym: Lester Anthony Minnelli (1903-1986), father of the actress, dancer and singer Liza Minnelli (1946-), from 1945 to 1951; whom she also divorced; then married American film producer Michael Sidney Luft (1915-2005), from 1952 to 1965, another divorce; in 1965, she married in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, with the American actor Truman Mark Herron (1928-1996), whom she divorced in 1969, after being assaulted by him several times; and lastly, she had a quick union with American musician Michael DeVinko Jr. (1934-2003), which lasted until her death in 1969.


  1. Era una gran actriz te mando un beso.

  2. Theodosia,
    Actresses and actors who star in films as children, unfortunately, often do not achieve the same success after they become adults.
    “Shirley Temple”, “Macaulay Culkin”, “Daniel Radcliffe, the eternal
    Harry Potter” and “Judy Garland” are good examples of this.

  3. Datos curiosos que no todos los conocía, recuerdo alguna de sus películas. Un abrazo

  4. I will always remember her in "The Wizard of Oz", one of the most beautiful movies I watched in my whole life!

  5. She was such a fabulous singer and entertainer. I wish they could have replaced her Oscar with two grownup ones. She was so iconic. And still inspiring🌈

  6. Uma fabulosa atriz.
    Um dia feliz ... abraço.

  7. I got to know a little more about this great actress!
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Uma excelente atriz. Não sabia que tinha sido casada quatro vezes. Faleceu muito jovem (47 anos). Grata pela gentil partilha.
    Gostei muito do seu blogue. Fiquei fâ e seguidora


  9. Interesting post!
    Thanks for sharing
    Kisses ♥

  10. Esta actriz me encanta. Si he de decir que para mí siempre será Dorothy, pero en cualquiera de sus papeles me gustaba verla. Besos :D

  11. Creo que la película que mas se la recuerda es la del "Mago de Oz", yo por lo menos.



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