Friday, May 5, 2023

George Arliss - ©Theda Bara

The name I present in this post is George Arliss, who was an excellent English actor, author, playwright and film director, who was successful in the United States.

His greatest moment in Hollywood was when he played the role of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, “Benjamin Disraeli”, protagonist of the 1929 film “Disraeli”. Becoming the first British actor to win the Oscar for Best Actor in 1930 , the only year in which two Oscar ceremonies took place, from then on the Academy began to distribute only one statuette per year.

The actor has a star on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, at 6652 Hollywood Boulevard, in the film category.

George Arliss, born: George Augustus Andrews, in London, United Kingdom, on 10 April 1868, and died on 5 February 1946 in London, United Kingdom, aged 77.

Arliss was married to the British actress Florence Kate Arliss (1868-1950), from 1899 to 1946, the year of his death.


  1. No lo conocía. Te un buen fin de semana.

  2. Amiga!
    Já tinha lido um pouco sobre.

    Tenha excelente fim de semana.

  3. Theodosia ,
    I think this biographical work that you present to us is super important, interspersed with your poetry, the lives of Hollywood stars.
    A kiss and a good weekend!!!

  4. Gracias por presentarnos a este actor amiga mia. Besos :D

  5. Dear Theodosia! I am sure George Arliss was a talented actor.

  6. hola
    no lo conocía, pero pienso buscarlo, me has dejado con ganas de ver alguna peli suya

  7. Great to hear how he won his academy award. Interesting about his talent. Thanks so much.

  8. A beautiful tribute that I salute and praise
    Thanks for visiting. I became a follower.
    Happy Sunday

  9. Elogiando a sua publicação, hoje, escrevo apenas isto:
    Mãe não é apenas ser mulher. É a Luz que ilumina o mundo. Uma DEUSA.
    Feliz dia da Mãe.

  10. Un actor que no conocía entre otras cosas por haber fallecido muchos años atrás que naciese yo, poco a poco nos vas trayendo estos artistas.



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